The ins and outs of visualizing social networks.
1. Layout
The layout of a network diagram refers to the position of the points in the diagram.
- attribute-based scatter plotting
- scaling methods
- graph layout algorithms

1.1 Layout based on node attributes
Continuous attributes
普通的scatter + draw lines between the points to represent ties.
如果两个attributes确实影响who is tied with whom,这张图就会显示出来。

Dataset: Krack-high-tect (advice)
- 箭头大多从左到右:倾向于向年长的人寻求建议
- 箭头大多从下到上:倾向于向职级高的人寻求建议
Categorical attributes
- The points within the same group will be placed near each other.
- 可以揭示whether ties are primarily within groups、which groups have the most connections……
geographical distance
- Points are positioned based on their geographical location.
- It may work when geographic distance matters for building connections.
1.2 Layout using ordination/scaling methods(e.g. MDS)