1. Types of network hypotheses

根据两个维度(group / node / dyad & X / Y),可以划分出六种类型的假说:


对于group level hypotheses:No particular statistical issues due to network context——使用常规的回归技术往往就可以处理这种情形。

对于node level hypotheses:类似于group level,但有时会遇到non-independent outcomes的情况——使用auto-regressive model

$$ Y = b_0 + \rho WY+b_1X_1 + b_2X_2 + \cdots + \epsilon $$

(dyad-level hypotheses的情形最为复杂,我们最后讨论)

2. Permutation test


  1. What if you do not have a sample?(有总体,没有样本)
  2. What if the number of cases is really small?(样本量小)

使用permutation test解决。

2.1 Example: wine expert

Suppose we have four wines: Argentine, Australian, French, and California.