Burt’s 1992 theory of structural holes: In an ego network, the lack of ties among contacts are called structural holes.
Autonomy: do/say what you want to do/say - 其他人无法得知别人发生的事情
Control: divide and conquer - 分而治之、各个击破(alters无法形成合力)
Information: be a information broker - 信息中转站、灵活利用各种信息
Managerial skill: …
$$ \begin{equation*} \begin{aligned} ES_i &= \sum_j \bigg[ 1-\sum_k p_{ik}m_{jk} \bigg],\quad k \ne i,j\\ &= N-\sum_j \sum_k p_{ik}m_{jk} \\ \end{aligned} \end{equation*} $$
For binary data:
$$ E = N-\bar{d} $$