1. Taste of SAOM
1.1 Motivations

Main question: How do we get from T1 to T2?
- Identify the social processes that are likely to underlie the change in structure.
- That is the rules that nodes use to change their relations from t1 to t2.
→ Stochastic actor-oriented model (SAOM)
1.2 Basic principles
Model assumptions (Snijders et al., 2010)
- Social process的底层:
- Nodes make decisions about their local surroundings.
- But they are not omnipotent - nodes can only control their outgoing ties.
- The evolution from T1 to T2的背后:a sequence of mini-steps
A node is randomly selected. It can do one of the following things:
- create a tie to one of the other nodes that it is not already connected with
- remove a tie to one of the other nodes it is currently connected with
- do nothing
【Remarks】有时我们并不希望random choice (i.e. uniform) - 设置rate function - the number of times a person is estimated to consider changing a tie between T1 and T2.
Evaluation function (how important particular social processes were in the network change) - actor will evaluate each choices using evaluation function.
- network structural effects
- out-degree effect (i.e. baseline tendency to build a tie)
- indegree-related popularity effect (i.e. inPop - 更愿意和indegree大的人交朋友?)
- outdegree-related popularity effect (i.e. outPop - 更愿意和outdegree大的人交朋友?)
- indegree-related activity effect (i.e. inAct - indegree大的人更愿意交朋友)
- outdegree-related activity effect (i.e. outAct - 等价于out-degree effect)
- reciprocity
- transitivity
- 3-cycles
- attribute-based effects
- egoZ (eg. highly cited scholar tend to send more ties? - 高引者更愿意交朋友)
- alterZ (eg. highly cited scholar tend to receive more ties? - 高引者更易吸引别人)
- similarityZ (for continuos/ordinal Z)
- sameZ (for categorical/ordinal Z)
- effects involving other networks: distance between nodes…
- sometimes we also consider the interactions between different effects (引入交互项)
- It is a Markov chain process:
- E.g. the decision to dissolve that friendship tie is only dependent on the current structure of the area around the node at that stage of the evolution - not on whether the friendship tie was present for a long or short time during the evolution, nor does it consider what the surroundings were a few mini-steps before or even at the beginning.
In general, what SAOM do?
- Conditional on (i.e. start from) $Y_{t-1}$, assume sequence of unobserved mini-steps to $Y_t$
- A mini-step allows one actor (i.e. node) to change one tie
- Model estimates the “rules” actors use to determine which tie to change
- Ultimately, actors following these rules produce a network resembling $Y_{t}$
Network should have some stability
- T1和T2的网络不能过于不同(hard to figure out how the network evolved):SAOM适用于探究T1和T2网络的变化机制,但又要求网络具有一定的内在稳定性——因此SAOM适用于理解像friendship或trust这样的网络,而不太适用于event-type网络(例如email网络,这种情景更适合使用relational event models)。