1. Overview
Usual design considerations:
- longitudinal / cross-sectional(截面的or历时的)
- survey / archival / observational(基于调查or文档or观察的)
- qualitative / quantitative(定性的or定量的)
Network-specific design considerations:
- Sociocentric design (i.e whole-network design)
- Egocentric design (i.e. ego-network design)
- Cognitive social structure
2. Sociocentric design
研究对象为特定的一些节点所构成的网络(a specific group):
- Start with a set of actors.
- Collect data on the presence/absence/strength of ties of various kinds among all pairs of members of the set.
- Result is a network (or multiple networks, where each network represents a different kind of tie).
- Survey(调查): Ask each person about ties to each other person.
- Ethnographic(民族志): Observe interactions, interview people who know them.
- Archival(档案): Search records, memos, online traces.
另一种看待network的方式——network = dyadic variable