Centrality is a property of a node’s position in a network (node-level). It can be viewed as:
Sociologically, centrality can be interpreted in a wide variety of ways → these interpretations are not definitions or inherent properties of centrality, but rather hypotheses about the potential consequences of centrality.
Because there are many different ways in which a node can be viewed as an important node, we have a bunch of different centrality measures.
Important nodes have many connections.
在undirected network中,for node v,
$$ C_{degee}(v) = d_v $$
[R] xDegreeCentrality()
[UCINET] degree(xxx)
或degree(xxx norm)
如果是directed network:
in-degree centrality (column sums) - 通常更有用
out-degree centrality (row sums) - 通过更多主观bias
可以做「indegree vs. outdegree」图
Important nodes connect to many nodes that connect to many other important nodes.
在undirected network中,for node v,
$$ C_{eigen}(v) = \frac{1}{\lambda}\sum_{u \in \text{alters of v}} C_{eigen}(u) $$